My Top 4 Places On/Near Campus to Study

Image result for studying clip artHey Future Jags! When I'm studying, I like to be in a place that makes me feel comfortable and somewhere that I can easily focus. Here are my top four places that are either on campus or near campus that I love to study at:

1) Starbucks- The one in the library on campus is pretty big, and has plenty of outlets if you need to charge your phone or laptop. And, the coffee not only tastes amazing, but also helps me get caffeinated and ready to study. It is also a great place to meet with friends and hang out, maybe even in between classes.

2) The library study rooms- I love finding a study room at the library, especially when I am studying with a group, because it is easy to discuss your ideas while not having to worry about being too loud for the other students studying elsewhere.

3) A local coffee shop- The reason I love studying at a local coffee shop is because it is a change of scenery from my usual study areas, and I get to try out some new coffee!!

4) My desk in my room- This one is not somewhere I typically study because I like to get out, but if I need to stay up late studying, I enjoy being at home so I can be up as late as needed. Also, I always have food on hand!!


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