When Preparing for College...

For all of you incoming jags, I have put together my top 5 things to do when preparing for college.

First, make sure you are communicating with your South recruitment counselor, and your current school's counselor. This is extremely important in making sure you get all of your questions answered and clarified before staring college.

Secondly, do your research!! Research the clubs at South. We have many to choose from that cover a broad range of interests. Finding an organization that you love is a great way to get involved in college and make friends.

Third, make a packing list. This may seem irrelevant, but trust me, its not, especially if you live far from home, like I do, to make sure you don't forget anything. Waiting for someone to ship it for you can be a hassle.

Fourth, see if you know anyone that may be going to the same college as you. Making friends before starting college can be great, that way you have a friendly face before you start out. See if there are any group chats that are going on and become a part of those!

Fifth, don't be nervous! Coming to college is an amazing experience, and calming your nerves beforehand really helps on the first day of class.

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